CarbonExpress Predator Shafts
800 1 doz.

product code:T1276


Brand:Carbon Express

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availability: In stock


Carbon composite arrow designed for outstanding strength and durability. Straightness tolerance of +-.006â?쳌 and weight tolerance of +-3.0 gr. Available in sizes 800 (.799â?쳌 spine, 5.96 GPI), 700 (.694â?쳌 spine, 6.45 GPI), 2040 (.623â?쳌 spine, 7.04 GPI), 3050 (.491â?쳌 spine, 8.06 GPI), 4560 (.410â?쳌, 8.97 GPI), and 6075 (.331â?쳌 spine, 10.01 GPI). Sizes 700-800 include nocks only. Sizes 2040-6075 include nocks and inserts.

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